Grace Fettig

Grace Fettig

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Team: Wake 'N Shake Committee Members

Bio: Hello everyone, I’m Grace Fettig, a freshman at Wake Forest University. This is my first year participating in Wake N’ Shake and I am so excited to also be on the decorations committee for the event! Please feel free to donate to this amazing project and if you are a student at Wake I hope you get out there the day of and DANCE!

Dancer has raised $400.00 which is 40% of their goal of $1,000.00.

Send a donation to Grace Fettig to help their campaign!


Recent Activity

Grace Fettig received a $100.00 donation.

2 days ago

Grace Fettig received a $50.00 donation.

3 days ago

Grace Fettig received a $250.00 donation.

3 weeks ago